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Being the Best Animation Institute of Central India Arena Animation Geeta Bhawan excels in delivering High Quality Education with the most Creative Educational Genres in Media & Entertainment offering Certification Programmes. Learn more about our Courses which are categorized under – Career, Professional & Short Term Programmes.
As a student of Arena Animation, you get to enjoy the Benefits of OnlineVarsity now!
The world is going digital, and so is your Arena education! Our courses include theory-rich lectures, complemented with the modern day instructional technologies along with Onlinevarsity app. With the Onlinevarsity app you have the opportunity to go beyond classroom learning, and develop awareness & build skills anywhere, anytime. Onlinevarsity adds Power to our Courses with 24x7 support that enhances the Classroom Experience to give Students Comprehensive Learning (interactive ebooks, and relevant articles & blogs), Expert Advice (Collaboration with expert tutors from around the world), Latest Tools & Techniques, Mentoring (dynamic learning material including expert videos, industry articles, job market trends & industry best practices), and Active Counseling.
Animation Prime is a comprehensive course in the fundamentals and techniques of animation that provides understanding of the latest software and tools used in the process of animation in the industry. The course prepares you for an animation career where you can set your imagination free. With this course, you will be trained in three key aspects: Creative Visualization that includes design basics, concepts, sketching and storyboards; 2D animation concepts, graphics and editing; 3D animation concepts, tools and techniques
Animation can be described as - the Creation of an Illusion of a Motion through a Rapid Sequence of Still Images. It’s not just about making Cartoons or Drawing Caricatures but an Art of Creating an Illusion of the Movement and bringing to Life everything around us with the use of Technology. Movies, Television Shows, Advertisements - each of these use Visual Effects to produce high-quality output. From car blasts in a Live-Action Film to leaves blowing in an Animated Movie, all the Effects are Designed and Created by Special Effects Artists.
Animation itself is an Industry, and as Industry it’s on Boom. In India is growing in an unbelievable pace and there is a huge demand for Qualified Professionals in various companies. There are more than 300 Animation Studios in India as of 2015, which are estimated to have employed more than 15,000 Animation Professionals.
With the Creative Development & Gained Skills create your own Digital Portfolio that will increase your Visibility to the Industry and help secure a place in the Field upon exiting the program Successfully.
Duration of the Course will be 24 Months consisting of 3 Semesters.
Candidates those who have completed Class 10th are eligible to apply.
Learn Designing, Graphics Skills & Anatomy Study.
Concepts of Graphics & Illustrations ---- Typography Design ---- Digital Illustrations ---- Concepts of Cinematography & Photography ---- Concepts of 2D Digital Animation---- Art of Storytelling & Script Writing ---- Anatomy Study ---- Character Design – ---- Digital Painting---- Audio-Video Editing ---- Storyboarding & Animatics ---- Application of 2D Animation Principles ---- Design Portfolio
Enhance Skills in Storyboarding, Animation & Audio-Video Compositing.
Clay Modeling & Animation – 3D Basics - Modeling to Animation ---- 3Digital Modeling with 3ds Max ---- Lighting & Texturing Models with 3ds Max ---- 3D Motion Graphics with 3ds max ---- Rendering with 3ds max Vray ---- Digital Compositing ---- 3D Animation Portfolio
Advanced Animation Techniques with Specialization in the Area of Interest & Portfolio Development.
3D Basics - Modeling to Animation ---- Digital Modeling with Maya ---- Digital Sculpting ---- Texturing 3D Models with Maya---- Lighting & Rendering Models with Maya ---- Rigging 3D Models with Maya ---- 3D Character Animation ---- Fx, Dynamics & Simulation ---- Matchmoving & Camera Tracking ---- Crowd Simulation ---- Working with Arnold Renderer ---- Specialisation & Digital Portfolio Development (Choose 1 elective)
Adobe Illustrator ---- Adobe Photoshop ---- Adobe Animate ---- Shotgun ---- Adobe Audition ---- Adobe Premier ---- Autodesk Maya ---- Golaem Crowd ---- Arnold Renderer ---- Nuke ---- Silhouette ---- Mocha
Corel Draw ---- Sketching ---- Stop Motion ---- Clay Animation ---- Z-Brush ---- After Effects ----Real Flow ---- Fume FX ---- PF Track ---- V-Ray Renderer ---- Key Shot
VFX Prime is a comprehensive course that covers Visual effects for advertising and television productions, and makes you a job-ready VFX professional. It gives a thorough grounding in the basic design fundamentals, CG Asset creation - both 2D & 3D (computer-generated), FX, dynamics & simulation, VFX techniques such as rotoscopy, roto-paint, keying, camera tracking & compositing. On completing the course, you will be able to master and specialise as a Visual Effects expert and produce a demo reel as per the industry standards.
With the Creative Development & Gained Skills create your own Digital Portfolio that will increase your Visibility to the Industry and help secure a place in the Field upon exiting the program Successfully.
Duration of the Course will be 24 Months consisting of 3 Semesters.
Candidates those who have completed Class 10th are eligible to apply.
Learn Designing, Graphics Skills & Anatomy Study.
Concepts of Graphics & Illustrations ---- Typography Design ---- Digital Illustrations ---- Concepts of Cinematography & Photography ---- Concepts of 2D Digital Animation---- Art of Storytelling & Script Writing ---- Anatomy Study ---- Character Design – ---- Digital Painting---- Audio-Video Editing ---- Storyboarding & Animatics ---- Application of 2D Animation Principles ---- Design Portfolio
Enhance Skills in Storyboarding, Animation & Audio-Video Compositing.
3D Basics - Modeling to Animation ---- Digital Modeling with Maya ---- Digital Sculpting ---- Texturing 3D Models with Maya---- Lighting & Rendering Models with Maya ---- Rigging 3D Models with Maya ---- 3D Character Animation ---- Fx, Dynamics & Simulation ---- Matchmoving & Camera Tracking ---- Crowd Simulation ---- Working with Arnold Renderer ---- Specialisation & Digital Portfolio Development----3D Animation Portfolio
Advanced Animation Techniques with Specialization in the Area of Interest & Portfolio Development.
VFX Filmmaking ---- Pre-visualization ---- Introduction to Nuke ---- Rotoscopy Using Silhoutte---- Wire removal ---- Colour Correction---- Green/ Blue Screen ----Matchmoving & Camera Tracking ---- Matte Painting ----Specialisation & Digital Portfolio Development
Adobe Illustrator ---- Adobe Photoshop ---- Adobe Animate ---- Shotgun ---- Adobe Audition ---- Adobe Premier ---- Autodesk Maya ---- Golaem Crowd ---- Arnold Renderer ---- Nuke ---- Silhouette ---- Mocha
Corel Draw ---- Sketching ---- Stop Motion ---- Clay Animation ---- Z-Brush ---- After Effects ----Real Flow ---- Fume FX ---- PF Track ---- V-Ray Renderer ---- Key Shot
Pursue Your Career in Graphics, Web Design & Development Program, and Develop a Stunning Web Portfolio!
Can you believe there are more than a Billion Websites on the Internet? With the rise of Social Media Internet has become an Essential Component of the modern society today. It’s changing the way we do Business, the way we are Governed, and the way we live in our Society. This growth raises the opportunity for Trained and Skilled Graphic Designers, Web Designers, and Web Developers to help various companies and individuals to share their Information, Products & Services across the World to Build their Online Presence.
All of our favourite Websites, Mobile Phone Apps, and Portals are Designed & Programmed by a Web Developer. In Arena's GWDD Course you'll learn Website Production, Programming, Applications and Maintenance through hands-on experience. This course also Empowers you to Design & Develop Creative Graphics for Websites, Digital Ads, and Print & Publishing.
GWDD - Duration of the Course will be 15 Months consisting of 2 Semesters.
GWD - Duration of the Course will be 8 Months consisting of 1 Semester.
WDD - Duration of the Course will be 8 Months consisting of 1 Semester.
WD - Duration of the Course will be 8 Months consisting of 1 Semester.
Candidates those who have completed Class 10th are eligible to apply.
Lays the Foundation in Image-editing & Publishing Graphics for Various Industries Including Print & Publishing.
Design & Visualization Fundamentals ---- Graphics & Illustration Fundamentals ---- Essentials of Web Designing ---- UI / UX for Responsive Design ---- Typography Techniques ---- Illustrations for Web ---- Creating Artworks ---- Web Layout Designing ---- Web Animation & Interactivity ---- Web Design Portfolio
Students Learn to Develop & Design Inter-active Websites and Optimize them for Search Engines.
Designing for Web using Markup Language & Style Sheets ---- Developing Interactive Web Pages ---- Design & Development using Programming Language ---- Content Management System ---- Search Engine Optimization ---- Web Analytics ---- Web Design & Development Portfolio
Lays the Foundation in Image-editing & Publishing Graphics for Various Industries Including Print & Publishing.
Design & Visualization Fundamentals ---- Graphics & Illustration Fundamentals ---- Essentials of Web Designing ---- UI / UX for Responsive Design ---- Typography Techniques ---- Illustrations for Web ---- Creating Artworks ---- Web Layout Designing ---- Web Animation & Interactivity
Students Learn to Develop & Design Inter-active Websites and Optimize them for Search Engines.
Designing for Web using Markup Language & Style Sheets ---- Developing Interactive Web Pages ---- Design & Development using Programming Language ---- Content Management System ---- Search Engine Optimization ---- Web Analytics ---- Web Design & Development Portfolio
Students Learn to Develop & Design Inter-active Websites and Optimize them for Search Engines.
Designing for Web using Markup Language & Style Sheets ---- Designing using Programming Language ---- Web Designing Portfolio
Adobe Illustrator ---- Adobe Photoshop ---- Corel Draw ---- Adobe Animate ---- HTML5 & CSS3 ---- Responsive-Bootstrap (CSS Pre-processor) ---- JavaScript ---- jQuery ---- Angular JS ---- PHP ---- MySql ---- Drupal ---- SEO & Web Analytics for Digital Marketing
Adobe InDesign ---- Sketching ---- HTML ---- Adobe Dreamweaver ---- Sublime Editor / Notepad++ / Brackets ---- Wordpress ---- Adobe Fireworks ---- Live Web Hosting
Develop your Visualization & Graphic Skills with Arena’s GVD Course and Learn - Audio-Video Editing, Digital Filmmaking, and Design - for Print & Advertising, Web & Interactive Media.
This course Empowers you to Create rich Multimedia Content - Designs, Symbols, Typography, Illustrations & Photography. With sharp Skills and the right Training, you can work in Print & Electronic Publications and Internet Publishing Industries.
Duration of the Course will be 6 Months consisting of 1 Semesters.
Candidates those who have completed Class 10th are eligible to apply.
Lays the Foundation in Image-editing & Publishing Graphics for Various Industries Including Print & Publishing.
Concepts of Graphics & Illustrations ---- Digital Design ---- Basic Art ---- Creating Illustrations ---- Print Design - Composition & Layout ---- Design Portfolio
Adobe Illustrator ---- Adobe Photoshop ---- CorelDRAW ---- Adobe Indesign
Enhance your Skills by learning the Basics of Designing and Latest in-demand Software used in Animation, Multimedia, Gaming, and Web designing.
If you are new to this Field & Looking to Learn Specific Software along with your studies, or a professional looking to Sharpen your Skills you can also apply for a Fast-Track Course with us. Arena Animation offers quick, Short-Term Courses to the Students & Working Professionals who wish to sharpen their Skills in one or more Software.
Duration of the Course will be 1-6 Months consisting of 1 Semesters.
Candidates those who have completed Class 10th are eligible to apply.
We Welcome each One of You to Our Campus where Latest Technology, Innovative Teaching Methodologies & Quality Training are Blended Together to Create a Unique Learning Experience.